Friday, 23 March 2012

Do You Suffer From Cystitis!

What is 'Cystitis'
Doctor & Patent
The bladder is a biological storage container for urine and is located in the abdomen. The urine is passed out by means of the urethra.
6.5 million Women suffer from cystitis each year compared to men. This is because a women’s urethra is shorter and the urethra is located between the vagina and anus. This allows for easier transportation of the bacteria to the bladder.    
Cystitis infection is caused through bacteria entering the bladder and multiplying rapidly leading to infection of the mucous membrane.
Some women are very venerable to contracting cystitis, becoming more evident after making love, or during pregnancy, when the chances of contracting cystitis are larger.
Symptoms of cystitis and urine infection
You frequently experience the feeling of burning or pain when going to the bathroom. You tend to go to the toilet more often than normal.  Sometimes you may suffer from an oppressive or painful feeling in the abdomen. The urine can smell unpleasant at times, and instead of being clear it as the appearance of looking somewhat cloudy. At times there even may be a showing of blood in the urine.
Normally cystitis isn’t accompanied by a fever; at the most you may experience a slight increase in body temperature less than 38 degrees Celsius. At times you may experience very little in the way of symptoms and you may not realize that you have cystitis at all.
However, if you do feel sick and generally unwell, with a high temperature, then you may be suffering an infection of the kidney.
How does cystitis arise
A cystitis bacterium is generally the culprit of urine infections. It’s a bacterium that lives in the bowels and can be transported to the bladder by means of the urethra.  
In particular, because there is always a smattering of urine left behind after going to the toilet, due to the inability to empty the bladder fully, the remaining bacterium has the opportunity to multiply in the left over urine.
Sometimes however, it can be a sexually transmissible bacterium, such as the Chlamydia bacterium, which causes the infection.
Cystitis also occurs in women after making love, if you are acceptable to this issue then it’s a good idea to get into the habit of going to the bathroom after making love, this will help to flush out the excess bacterium and prevent further problems.
Cystitis can be caused through the use of chemicals, such as using too much soap and shampoo during washing.
Is it seriously and what can be done
An uncomplicated cystitis is not a treating or dangerous condition to your health and wellbeing, it’s embarrassing, irritating, painful, and uncomfortable to put up with, but also very easy to treat. Your general practitioner will be able to determined the cause and then prescribe a curse of antibiotics to help cure your problems.
In some cases a curse of antibiotics may not help and you will need to take a further curse to help eradicate your symptoms.
In spite of the treatment, however, cystitis can have return bouts. In these cases you will be subscribe repeated antibiotics, but your practitioner will carry out tests to find the underlying cause and treatments necessary to help prevent your cystitis from worsening.
Kidney base infections
This is more serious than ordinary cystitis. You may frequently feel very sicker with aggressive pain in or both sides of the back, extending under the ribs, (high) fever, creeps and shivers.
During pregnancy woman are very open to contracting cystitis, but it can be easily treated with antibiotics, and is not life-threatening for the child. During pregnancy good treatment is important, because any infection as the potential of effecting the kidneys, which would be a threat to the unborn child.
When to go to your general practitioner
If you have very little symptoms you can afford to wait until the body as had the opportunity to deal with the bacterium. You should drink lots of water to help flush your system out.  

If however, you are suffering from several symptoms over time, or if you are pregnant, then go see your general practitioner.
The general practitioner will examine your urine for bacteria by means of urine test. You will need to supply a sample of your urine, which you usually collect first thing on waking up.
You then must take your sample to your general practitioner within 2hurs. And only up to a maximum of 24 hours if kept in a refrigerator.
If your general practitioner diagnoses cystitis he will prescribe an antibiotic course for you to take. It’s very important to finish this course, because if you don’t then the cystitis can return or become resistance to further treatments.
If you do get repeated urine infections, then your general practitioner will order a deeper more detailed examination of the bacteria, which will be grown in an acuter jar and tested to determine, which bacterium is responsible of your infection. A more targeted antibiotic course will then be given.
What can do you yourself
It’s very important to drink lots of water, about two drink litres per day. This will help to rinse out the bacteria from the bladder. You need to try to get the bladder to empty and before these too much new Bactria growth.
According to research, wiping between your vagina and your anus after being to the toilet, or taking vitamin pills, shows no effect upon slowing down the growth of, or curing cystitis.
To recap, by drinking lots of water (at least two litres) daily, you have a better chance of preventing cystitis. This has been shown to prevent the build up of the bacteria that courses cystitis, because you are removing the bacteria from the bladder before it as the opportunity to multiply.
Also remember to go to the loo after making love; this again will help to flush out the bacteria. And if you do suffer from cystitis then wear a condom as this will help to prevent passing on the bacteria to your partner.

For more information please watch my video! 

Sunday, 18 March 2012

What Urinary Symptoms Are You Suffering!

What are you suffering from

Don't Suffer!

If you or someone you know suffers from any form of urinary problem, then it’s important to find out just ‘What’ it is you are suffering from.
Unfortunately, many urinary tract symptoms are very vague sharing many of the same signs. However, there are tell-tale signs and strategies that you can use to help eliminate reaching the wrong diagnosis.
Urinary tract problems can occur in men for a variety of reasons, regardless of age. However, older men aged 40 years and above, are more prone to suffer from poor bladder control, prostate cancer or BHP. Infections on the other hand can strike anyone of any age, but tends to hit woman and older men.
To check for your symptoms, please visit Pain When Urinating to determine the most probable courses of your symptoms, and then find out what you can do to relieve your problem!
An example of what you will find at my website:
The prospect
Do you suffer from any of the following...
·         A weak urine flow
·         Or you wake up two or three times during the night just to urinate
·         Unable to empty your bladder (urinary retention)
·         Do you feel some discomfort or dull pain
·         Blood in your urine
·         Do you find it difficult to have sex
·         Unable to get an erection
·         Or masturbate

Then you are probably suffering from BHP...‘Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia’ or enlarged prostate!

If you believe that the above description fits your symptoms, then click on the following link for more information and want you can do to help alleviate your condition!

When a man makes their 50’s, 75% will start to develop some form of urinary problem, a inflamed prostate... BPH (benign prostatic hyperplasia), but unfortunately, 33% will go on to produce prostate cancer.
This is in fact all too common, because in man this process starts as they reach puberty, when the prostate begins to grow to meet the demands of reproduction. However, this growth may continue way into their latter days leading to their experience of urinary problems of some description.
It’s important however, to point out that many continual forward to a problem free life.
Painful urination is now recognized as one of the 10 most commonly encountered chronic problems in the world today, with 1 in 6 adults reporting a number of problems such as an overactive bladder...with over 8 Million people suffering right ‘now’.
Doctors and scientists are split by what causes BHP or prostate cancer and there are no known cures, but there are some very well know natural products that can help relieve the conditions you have.
You are not alone, you can get the help and find out more about your condition by going to Urinary help!

Friday, 16 March 2012

Living With 'Urinary Problems'!

Living with any 'Urinary Problems' is embarrassing, irritating, and unnecessary.

Urinary Problems come in many differant disguises, some more easier to diagnose than other's. Today I want to consentrate on a problem that's vey close to my heart...Larger Prostate gland BPH  or (benign prostatic hyperplasia)

This particular problems was the vain of my life and I know only too well what's it's like to suffer its effects. I will of course that a look at the other Urinary Problems  men suffer with in other posts.

Lets begain...

As adult males begain to reach their 50’s, 75% of them will start to develop a inflamed prostate gland BPH (benign prostatic hyperplasia) of which, 33% will then go on to form prostate cancer. You may indeed find these facts hard to believe, but they are very common, and starts when a young boy reaches puberty. When the prostate starts to increase in size, for some this process will go on to be a hassle in their later life.

Fortunately, many will go on to live a problem free life.

Pain when urinating is ranked as one of the 10 most typical chronic illnesses nowadays, with 1 in 6 individuals reporting several problems of an overactive bladder...with over 8 Million people suffering right ‘now’.
Doctors and scientists are at loggerheads over what exactly causes BHP or prostate cancer in men, but the larger body of evidence leans towards the direction of 6 principal factors that might result in an enlargement of the prostate.

They may be:

1) Hormonal imbalance...from the age of around 30, men levels of less testosterone start to full. As a result they begain to produce more estrogen than testosterone. But, and this is the kicker, a percentage of the remaining testosterone gets converted to DHT, now, DHT is a bad testosterone for men, it causes men to lose their hair. It’s this DHT that causes the prostate to become enflamed.
2) Cancer
3) Zink deficiency
4) Chabion toxicity
5) Calcification
6) Infections

About the size of a walnut, the prostate gland is located beneath the bladder and surrounds the upper part of the urethra. Its location largely helps to explain why this BHP affects the bladder and generates urinary problems, such as:

a) Dripping
b) A weak urine stream
c) Frequent urination, which may include going throughout the night
d) Urine retention
e) And pain when urinating

As the prostate gland starts to grow bigger it begins to tighten around the urethra tube (the tube that carries your urine from the bladder out of your body) and this is where the problem starts to case issue's for the sufferer. Under normal events the urine runs freely from the bladder to the tip of the willy where it gets expelled out of your system.

But, due to the urethra being squeezed either the bladder isn’t being empted fully or the sufferer is not able to get the flow going, which may induce pain when urinating.

These issues may come and go, because the volume of the prostate can increase or lessen as time goes on. But in most instances, BPH doesn’t show any signs or conditions, until the problem becomes serious.

Many men complain that they don’t feel that their bladders have been totally emptied after visiting the bathroom. A superb urine flow and the capability to empty the bladder is crucial in order to keep the bladder in good condition.

Because when empting the bladder you expel the bacteria in your urine, but a weakened urine flow leaves some urine and its bacteria to build up inducing an infection in the bladder or the urinary tract.

Even bladder stones can form as a result of salts in the urine crystallizing, creating the short-term inability to urinate or experiencing pain when urinating.

These suffering from pain when urinating or BHP are always on the lookout for a successful remedy. But unfortunatly, there isn't any known cure for BPH... it's something we all have to live with. The regrettable reality is that most of the remedies currently available through your doctor don't always help with these conditions, they aren’t always beneficial.

If this condition goes unattended it might lead to the stage where the upper urinary tract gets to be completely closed.

There are other urinary problems that are not linked to BHP, which include:

An overactive bladder
Weak bladder
Urethra infection
Damaged kidney
Urinary Tract Infection

Through your research you can't but, notice that the information available on this subject is some what vague and that most of the same conditions fit other complaints...ending up very baffled over the results. All one ready want's to know is...”what’s wrong with me”? Most are desperately hoping that their problems don’t imply they have the big ‘C’.

So how dose one break through all of this muddle and obtain all the help one needs? If this happens to be your issue I can help, because similar to you I struggled over the years with a urinary problem that totally took over my existence...the constant need to urinate.

You're not alone; we are able to overcome and bet your don’t need to suffer this condition
For more guidance, help and information on possible treatments, please click you don’t have to suffer another day get help ‘Now’!